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title: code

clause atom relation

This feature is present on objects of type clause_atom.


This is a complex definition. The present text is derived from Constantijn's description of the QUEST II Database format. The definition needs review.

See the hint at the end to see how you could use this feature.

Clause atom relation is denoted by a code of 1, 2, or 3 digits.

range group
0 No relation
10 - 16 Relative clause atoms
5074 Infinitive construct clause atoms
100167 Asyndetic clause atoms
200 - 201 Parallel clause atoms
220 - 223 Defective clause atoms
300 - 367 Conjunctive adverbs
400 - 487 Coordinate clause atoms
500 - 567 Postulational clause atoms
600 - 667 Conditional clause atoms
700 - 767 Temporal clause atoms
800 - 867 Final clause atoms
900 - 967 Causal clause atoms
999 Direct speech

These classes are of a distributional, not functional, nature. They group lexemes which are hypothesised to share one or more functional aspects into tentative sets, so that the resulting clause atom relations codes constitute a useful collection of data for further research.

See for example Gino Kalkman's analysis of syntax in the poetry of the Psalms


The notions distributional and functional should be explained somewhere, on a separate page. The meaning of this sentence is difficult to follow. Which are the tentative sets of lexemes, which are the resulting clause atom relations? What is the useful collection of data? An example of research should be given or referred to. The reference to Gino's work could be more pin-pointed.

No relation


The value 0 and a dist of 0 clause atoms to its mother mark a clause atom as the root of the tree of clause atom relations.


Is the value of 0 sufficient? Can it occur that the value is 0 and the distance not? If not, the distance of 0 is not an extra condition, but an additional phenomenon. The definition should then say something like: (and in that case the dist is also 0). In order to understand this all, there should be an explanation of the intended model of clause atom relations. Is it a tree? How is it built up? Maybe a separate page.

See also

Examples please.

Relative clause atoms

10 .. 16

Clause atoms whose opening phrase (first phrase?) has typ CP (conjunctive phrase) and function Rela (relative). The second digit denotes the tense of the verbal predicate of the daughter clause:

code description remarks
0 none
1 imperfect
2 perfect
3 imperative
4 infinitive construct
5 infinitive absolute
6 participle (active and passive)
7 wayyiqtol
8 weyiqtol !

The ! appears where the QUEST documentation has a cross mark. I do not know why these values have been marked.

Infinitive construct clause atoms

5074 Clause atoms of which the verbal predicate is an infinitive construct. If you subtract 50, the remaining number denotes the class of the preposition used in the construction:

code description remarks
0 none
1 >XR/
2 >L
3 >YL/ !
4 >T
5 B, BMW
6 BJN/ !
7 BL<DJ !
8 not used
9 B<D/ !
10 ZWLH/ !
11 J<N/
12 K, KMW
13 not used
14 L, LMW
15 LM<N
16 not used
17 MN
18 not used
19 not used
20 <D
21 <L
22 <M
23 not used
24 TXT/

The ! appears where the QUEST documentation has a cross mark. I do not know why these values have been marked.

Asyndetic clause atoms


Construction without a conjunction. The second and third digit denote the tense of the verbal predicate of the daughter and mother clause, respectively. See the tense table.

See also

Parallel clause atoms

200 - 201

Two clause atoms are parallel if they concur in subject presence and have equivalent phrases up to the predicate, provided that the daughter is not subordinated.

See also

If either predicate is absent, the clause atoms must be of the same clause atom type (typ).

code description
200 Identical clause atom opening.
201 Identical clause atom opening when disregarding the coordinating conjunction(s).

Defective clause atoms

220 - 223

A clause atom is defective if there is another clause atom which contains the predicate (or the main part) of the clause.

code description
220 No verbal predicate in mother or daughter
221 Unclassified clause atom relation
222 Verbal predicate in daughter clause atom
223 Verbal predicate in mother clause atom.
See also

Conjunctive adverbs

300 - 367

Asyndetic construction, but with a conjunctive adverb. The second and third digit denote the tense of the verbal predicate of the daughter and mother clause, respectively. See the tense table.

See also

Coordinate clause atoms

400 - 487

Construction with a conjunction from class 400, the coordinating conjunctions: The second and third digit denote the tense of the verbal predicate of the daughter and mother clause, respectively. See the tense table.

See also
code description examples
400 coordinating >W, W
500 postulational >CR, DJ, H, ZW, KJ, C
600 conditional >LW, >M, HN, LHN=, LW, LWL>
800 final PN

The conjunction class is determined by the conjunction opening conjunction phrase.


Too terse: "the conjunction opening conjunction phrase". Expand or give an example.

code 800 also occurs in the table of Temporal clause atoms

Postulational clause atoms

500 - 567

Construction with a conjunction from class 500, the postulational conjunctions: The second and third digit denote the tense of the verbal predicate of the daughter and mother clause, respectively. See the tense table.

See also

Conditional clause atoms

600 - 667

Construction with a conjunction from class 600, the conditional conjunctions: The second and third digit denote the tense of the verbal predicate of the daughter and mother clause, respectively. See the tense table.

See also

Temporal clause atoms

700 - 767

Construction with a conjunction from class 700, the conditional conjunctions: The second and third digit denote the tense of the verbal predicate of the daughter and mother clause, respectively. See the tense table.

See also
code examples
700 >XR/, >L, B, BMW, VRM/, K, KMW, L, LMW, <D
800 BLT/, ZWLH/, LM<N, MN
900 J<N/, <L, <QB/

This preposition class is determined by the preposition that heads the clause opening conjunction phrase.


Too terse: "that heads the clause opening conjunction phrase". Expand or give an example.

code 800 also occurs in the table of Conjunction classes of clause atom opening

Final clause atoms

800 - 867

Construction with a conjunction from class 800, the final conjunctions: The second and third digit denote the tense of the verbal predicate of the daughter and mother clause, respectively. See the tense table.

See also

Causal clause atoms

900 - 967

Construction with a conjunction from class 900, the causal conjunctions: The second and third digit denote the tense of the verbal predicate of the daughter and mother clause, respectively. See the tense table.

See also

Direct speech


The clause atom in question starts a direct speech section.

A section of direct speech is usually introduced by a clause atom with a verbum dicendi. In this case, the direct speech section depends on the introductory clause atom in terms of clause atom relations. The daughter clause atom (the main clause atom of the direct speech section) carries the instruction q and has a relation 999 with its mother, the introductory clause atom.

But there are other cases, in which the the direct speech section is not introduced at all (Isaiah 14:16) or in which it is declared by an embedded clause atom (Malachi 3:17). In such cases, the main clause atom of the direct speech section still carries the instruction q, but no longer has a relation 999 with its mother. If there is a declarative clause atom, it will have a relation 999 with its mother, which is not necessarily the main clause atom of the direct speech section, as an example like Malachi 3:17 shows.

In all cases, the instruction q means the start of a clause atom hierarchy of direct speech. In view of the above, however, we can no longer maintain a direct coupling between q and relation 999. We propose to extend the interpretation of relation 999 as follows. The meaning of relation 999 is that of a declaration of direct speech. Either before the facts, if the daughter starts the direct speech, or after the facts, if the daughter has the verbum dicendi. In case of the latter, the daughter carries the instruction '#' for a new embedded paragraph, but pops the Q from the Text Type.

See also

Is the "daughter" clause the object in question?

What if a direct speech clause also fits the pattern of one of the other cases?


Here is a public MQL query by Martijn Naaijer that detects chunks of direct speech. It uses the combined information carried by the code feature and the txt feature. View the query on SHEBANQ.