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title: lex

lexeme -consonantal-transliterated

The consonantal representation of the lexeme of a word occurrence in BHSA transliteration.

This feature is present on objects of type word and lex.

Only the consonants of the word lexeme are present: no vowel pointing and no other diacritical marks.


If you need to distinguish between them, you can use the feature language.


There is disambiguation material at the end of the value. If the lexeme is a verb, a [ is added, if it is a noun, a / is added. If there are more than one lexemes with the same consonants, they are disambiguated by adding zero or more = s to the values.

There is also a feature lex0 where the disambiguation material is stripped of.


Generally, this is a handy feature to search for specific words. If you are unsure how exactly the lexeme of a particular word is spelled, it is handy to search in the frequency table of values: F.lex.freqList()


Try also regular expression matching of features, which is supported by MQL. Example::

[word lex ~ '.*RMW?N.*']

finds the following lexemes::

>RMWN/     (x 32)
RMWN/      (x 32)
XRMWN/     (x 13)
RMWN=/     (x  7)
GT_RMWN/   (x  4)
<JN_RMWN/  (x  3)
RMWN==/    (x  3)
RMWN===/   (x  3)
<RMWN/     (x  2)
B<L_XRMWN/ (x  2)
RMWN_PRY/  (x  2)
>RMNJ/     (x  1)
HDD_RMWN/  (x  1)
HRMWN/     (x  1)
RMWNW/     (x  1)
VBRMN/     (x  1)
XRMWNJM/   (x  1)