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Issue a debug message.

The message is written to the console or into a log file: depending on whether you run it locally or on a server under apache.

In case logging does not work, you can, by way of emergency, set TO_RESPONSE to True, and then the messages will be added to the respnse, probably creating an ugly mess, but at least you get information out.

Messages are only written if DEBUG is True, which is by default not the case on a production server.

Source code in modules/
def debug(msg):
    """Issue a debug message.

    The message is written to the console or into a log file:
    depending on whether you run it locally or on a server under apache.

    In case logging does not work, you can, by way of emergency,
    set `TO_RESPONSE` to True, and then the messages will be added
    to the respnse, probably creating an ugly mess, but at least
    you get information out.

    Messages are only written if DEBUG is True,
    which is by default not the case on a production server.
    if current.DEBUG:
        if TO_STDERR:
        if TO_RESPONSE:


Issue a log message.

The message is written to the console or into a log file: depending on whether you run it locally or on a server under apache.

In case logging does not work, you can, by way of emergency, set TO_RESPONSE to True, and then the messages will be added to the respnse, probably creating an ugly mess, but at least you get information out.

Source code in modules/
def log(msg):
    """Issue a log message.

    The message is written to the console or into a log file:
    depending on whether you run it locally or on a server under apache.

    In case logging does not work, you can, by way of emergency,
    set `TO_RESPONSE` to True, and then the messages will be added
    to the respnse, probably creating an ugly mess, but at least
    you get information out.
    if TO_STDERR:


Source code in modules/
def isodt(dt=None):
    return (
        if dt is None
        else dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")


Source code in modules/
def delta(timeInterval):
    return f"{int(round(timeInterval * 100)) / 100} s"


Source code in modules/
def hebKey(x):
    return x.replace("שׁ", "ששׁ").replace("שׂ", "ששׂ")

iEncode(qw, idpart, keywords=None, sep='|')

Source code in modules/
def iEncode(qw, idpart, keywords=None, sep="|"):
    if qw == "n":
        return (
            .replace("\n", "")
            .replace("=", "_")
    if qw == "w":
        return idpart
    if qw == "q":
        return str(idpart)
    return str(idpart)

iDecode(qw, iidRep, sep='|', rsep=None)

Source code in modules/
def iDecode(qw, iidRep, sep="|", rsep=None):
    idpart = iidRep
    keywords = ""
    if qw == "n":
            (idpart, keywords) = (
                b64decode(iidRep.replace("_", "=").encode("utf8"))
                .split(sep, 1)
        except Exception:
            (idpart, keywords) = (None, None)
    if qw == "w":
        (idpart, keywords) = (iidRep, "")
    if qw == "q":
        (idpart, keywords) = (int(iidRep) if iidRep.isdigit() else 0, "")
    if rsep is None:
        result = (idpart, keywords)
        if qw == "n":
            result = rsep.join((str(idpart), keywords))
            result = str(idpart)
    return result

hEsc(material, fill=True)

Source code in modules/
def hEsc(material, fill=True):
    material = (
        material.replace("&", "&")
        .replace("<", "&lt;")
        .replace(">", "&gt;")
        .replace('"', "&quot;")
        .replace("'", "&apos;")
        .replace("\\n", "\n")
    if fill:
        if material == "":
            material = "&nbsp;"
    return material


Source code in modules/
def toAscii(x):
    return x.encode("ascii", "replace")

formatVersion(qw, obj_id, vr, st)

Source code in modules/
def formatVersion(qw, obj_id, vr, st):
    if qw == "q":
        keyName = "query_id"
        if st == 1:
            icon = "quote-right"
            cls = "special"
        elif st == 2:
            icon = "quote-right"
            cls = ""
        elif st == 3:
            icon = "gears"
            cls = "good"
        elif st == 4:
            icon = "circle-o"
            cls = "warning"
        elif st == 5:
            icon = "clock-o"
            cls = "error"
        return f"""<a href="#" class="ctl br{qw} {cls} fa fa-{icon}"
{keyName}="{obj_id}" v="{vr}"></a>"""

        keyName = "key_id"
        stRep = st if st else "-"
        return (
            f'<a href="#" class="ctl br{qw}" {keyName}="{obj_id}" v="{vr}">{stRep}</a>'

pagelist(page, pages, spread)

Source code in modules/
def pagelist(page, pages, spread):
    factor = 1
    filteredPages = {1, page, pages}
    while factor <= pages:
        pageBase = factor * int(page / factor)
        filteredPages |= {
            pageBase + int((i - spread / 2) * factor)
            for i in range(2 * int(spread / 2) + 1)
        factor *= spread
    return sorted(i for i in filteredPages if i > 0 and i <= pages)


Source code in modules/
def countSlots(rows):
    covered = set()
    for (b, e) in rows:
        covered |= set(range(b, e + 1))
    return len(covered)


Source code in modules/
def flatten(msets):
    result = set()
    for (b, e) in msets:
        for m in range(b, e + 1):
    return list(sorted(result))


Source code in modules/
def collapseToRanges(slots):
    covered = set()
    for start in slots:
    return normRanges(None, fromset=covered)

normRanges(ranges, fromset=None)

Source code in modules/
def normRanges(ranges, fromset=None):
    covered = set()
    if fromset is not None:
        covered = fromset
        for (start, end) in ranges:
            for i in range(start, end + 1):
    curStart = None
    curEnd = None
    result = []
    for i in sorted(covered):
        if i not in covered:
            if curEnd is not None:
                result.append((curStart, curEnd - 1))
            curStart = None
            curEnd = None
        elif curEnd is None or i > curEnd:
            if curEnd is not None:
                result.append((curStart, curEnd - 1))
            curStart = i
            curEnd = i + 1
            curEnd = i + 1
    if curEnd is not None:
        result.append((curStart, curEnd - 1))
    return (len(covered), result)


We need to hEsc the markdown text.

But markdown does an extra layer of escaping & inside href attributes. We have to unescape doubly escaped &.

Source code in modules/
def sanitize(text):
    """We need to hEsc the markdown text.

    But markdown does an extra layer of escaping `&` inside `href` attributes.
    We have to unescape doubly escaped `&`.
    return text.replace("&amp;amp;", "&amp;")