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title: rela


The linguistic relation between the object and its context.

This feature is present on objects of type clause, phrase(_atom), and subphrase.


code code description
ADJ adj Adjunct
ATR atr Attribute
DEM dem Demonstrative
MOD mod Modifier
PAR par Parallel
REG rec Regens

The kind of relationship between the object (daughter) and its mother. In case of the regens/rectum relation, the mother is not a subphrase, but a word. The upper case values apply to the mother subphrase and the lower case values apply to the daughter subphrase. See mother.


In MQL the feature applies to the daughter only; the mother has the value NA.


Consider leaving out the uppercase values, since they do not occur in MQL. Examples needed.

Explain why is this a useful feature. Examples needed.

Phrase atom

code description
Appo Apposition
Sfxs Suffix specification
Link Conjunction
Spec Specification
Para Parallel

This feature expresses the way a phrase atom is used in building a complex phrase.


I prefer a more informative definition.

Explain why is this a useful feature? Examples needed.


code description
PrAd Predicative adjunct
Resu Resumption

This feature expresses how phrases refer to each other. The value for rela has been derived from the value of phrase function of the daughter (PrAd yields PrAd) or the mother (Frnt yields Resu). See mother. The mother of a resumption can be a clause, namely when the constituent in question resumes a casus pendens clause.


The remarks about PrAd, Frnt and Resu are too terse to be understood. Is the object in question (the one carrying the rela feature), the mother or the daughter?

I prefer a more informative definition.

Explain why is this a useful feature? Examples needed.


code description
Adju Adjunctive clause
Attr Attributive clause
Cmpl Complement clause
Coor Coordinated clause
Objc Object clause
PrAd Predicative adjunct clause
PreC Predicative complement clause
ReVo Referral to the vocative
Resu Resumptive clause
RgRc Regens/rectum connection
Spec Specification clause
Subj Subject clause

For clause-like objects this feature is also called clause constituent relation; it indicates the syntactic function of the clause.


I prefer a more informative definition.

Explain why is this a useful feature? Examples needed.